Industrial Burners

Industrial burners designed to deliver efficient fuel combustion for heating systems in industrial applications. Our modern industrial burners feature advanced controls for optimal performance, energy efficiency, and emissions reduction, tailored to operate with hydrogen, a range of gases, oil, or dual-fuel configurations.

We provide a selection of ultra-low NOx, high efficiency, monobloc axial airflow and duobloc burner solutions to maximise your plant’s productivity whilst minimising costs.

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What is an industrial burner?

An industrial burner is a heating device that generates and controls a flame for industrial processes. It mixes fuel and air in precise ratios to achieve efficient combustion. Industrial burners are used in applications such as industrial steam boilers, furnaces, and ovens in industries like manufacturing, food processing, and power generation.

How do industrial burners work?

Industrial burners work by mixing fuel and air in controlled ratios to produce a stable and efficient flame. A blower or compressor supplies air, while a fuel valve regulates the fuel flow. The mixture ignites through a spark or pilot flame, generating heat for industrial applications like boilers and furnaces.

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